Thursday, 12 December 2013

Models Own Scented: Blueberry Muffin

A Models Own Bottleshop opened in my local shopping centre recently and so naturally I had to go and have a root around! It takes the form of a giant nail polish bottle and I was handed a free eyeliner just for going in so first impressions were good!

They have so much to look at but I was instantly drawn to the Scented Fruit Pastel collection and after a lot of umming and ahhing I decided on the Blueberry Muffin shade. I love pastels at the best of times but this collection smells gorgeous too so at £5 a bottle I couldn't resist.

The colour is a beautiful powder blue and the smell is sweet but not overpowering, however I was let down a little by the application. The first coat was streaky but then an additional coat made it thick and gloopy and it took forever to dry. I was so excited to try it out and in my haste I applied it pretty messily, but it turned out okay considering (until I did the washing up and ending up taking chunks off left right and centre leaving me having to reapply).

Overall it's a lovely polish, but the application is a hassle! The scent is a great novelty factor and lasts for a few days before it wears off. I would not recommend using this polish when you're in a rush as it needs a while to dry properly, but a good top coat should help!